Keep Your Teeth Thankful this Holiday Season!


By Elyse Brumfield, RDH
Supervised and Edited by Dr. Levy Do, DDS

The Holidays are right around the corner! That means some of our favorite dishes are coming! Everyone is preparing their traditional holiday menus featuring turkeys, hams, pies, green bean casseroles, and cranberry dishes to name a few. While we may LOVE these things, our teeth, not so much! That is why we’ve come up with 7 ways to keep your teeth thankful this holiday season.

  1. Avoid Excessive Snacking - Yes, this is so hard during the holidays! All of the yummy snacks are just sitting out, taunting you and waiting to be eaten. But did you know, every time you snack, the enamel on your teeth gets weakened and soft, making it easier for bacteria to cause cavities on your teeth! Every time you eat or snack, it takes about 45 minutes for your teeth to firm back up. If you do snack, make sure to only do it a couple of times, not throughout the whole day, and drink lots of water to help remove excess plaque!

  2. Cut Back on the Carbs! - We know; carbs are one of the best parts of Thanksgiving! Carbs are also an attraction for bacteria on your teeth. They love to eat and digest the carbs and secrete acid which is what softens the enamel on your teeth and causes plaque to stick to the teeth more. This means more opportunity for the bacteria to cause decay. If you want to enjoy those carbs, try eating them all in one sitting and then rinsing with water so that the amount of time your teeth are exposed to the acid is reduced.

  3. Don’t Bite the Bones! - This may sound odd, but some people do like chewing on the turkey bones after eating! Not a good idea. Chewing on hard things can cause you to chip your front teeth or fracture your back teeth, leaving you in pain until the dental office opens back up after the holiday. This happens not just with bones but nutshells, ice, popcorn, olives, and candy. Rule of thumb: be careful when eating hard foods!

  4. Limit Dessert - So many options! Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, cherry pie, apple pie, cranberry sauce, the list goes on! As you know, sugar is bad for the teeth - it causes tooth decay and tartar buildup. Does that mean don’t eat the pie? Not at all! Just limit how much you eat and how often you eat it. Try eating just one piece right after dinner. Not only is dessert bad for the teeth, but it’s bad for your health, overall. So, enjoy that piece of pie, not the whole thing.

  5. Eat a Balanced Meal - There are so many parts of the Thanksgiving meal that are good for you and your teeth! The turkey is an important part of the meal because it provides protein. Don’t skip on the dairy products! Foods like cheese, sour cream, yogurt, and milk can offset the pH in your mouth, meaning it can lower the acids and lower the risk of decay. Eat your vegetables, too! Sides like green beans and carrots are good for you, especially if you’re getting an extra-large portion of mashed potatoes and yams. Try to make sure you’re eating the healthier options in addition to the yummy stuff to help balance your oral risks.

  6. Avoid Sugars and Sweeteners - Sweets are yummy - especially during the holidays! If you can help it, try cooking with healthier sugar alternatives such as xylitol, erythritol, and stevia. These sweeteners are not only yummy but good for your teeth! Xylitol pushes away the bad bacteria in your mouth and even helps to remineralize weakened enamel. Erythritol is made from fruits, has zero calories, and doesn’t cause tooth decay. Stevia is also sweet and reduces the amount of plaque in the mouth.

  7. Don’t Skip Brushing! - We want you to enjoy your Holidays, so the worst thing you could do is skip your oral health routine. Don’t let that turkey put you in a coma before brushing! After splurging on that delicious holiday meal, make sure you stick to your routine- brush your teeth (2 minutes!), floss (hug those teeth!), and rinse with mouthwash for one minute. This not only protects your teeth from the day’s exposures, but it also gives you peace of mind that your teeth have been taken care of.

  8. Don’t Wait to Take Care of Dental Treatment - If you have been to the dentist and had any treatment that needed to be taken care of such as cavities, crowns or root canals, don’t wait! These teeth are already suffering from decay and weakened enamel, making them more prone to break, get infected or cause severe pain which can ruin the holidays for you! Of course, even when doing your best to take care of your teeth during the holidays, accidents do happen. If you experience any pain or concerns, don’t hesitate to let us know!

The holidays only happen once a year, so if you want to splurge, go for it! Just make sure to take extra precautions to help keep your teeth happy. They’ll thank you for it!