Should I Get Braces?


By Elyse Brumfield, RDH (enhanced with AI)
Supervised and Edited by Dr. Levy Do, DDS

If you’re unhappy with your smile, you might be wondering if braces are the right choice for you. Braces are dental devices that help correct problems with your teeth, such as crowding, crookedness, gaps, or misalignment. They work by applying gentle pressure to gradually move your teeth into their proper positions.

Braces are not just for teenagers. More and more adults are choosing to get braces to improve their oral health and appearance. In fact, about 20% of all orthodontic patients in the United States are over the age of 18.

But braces are not only about aesthetics. They can also provide many health and emotional benefits once treatment is complete. Here are some of the advantages of getting braces:

  • Prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and bone erosion: When your teeth are crooked or crowded, it can be hard to clean them properly. This can lead to plaque buildup, cavities, inflammation and infection of the gums, and loss of bone support around the teeth. Braces can help straighten your teeth and make them easier to brush and floss, reducing the risk of these problems.

  • Fix an overbite or underbite: An overbite is when your upper teeth stick out too far over your lower teeth. An underbite is when your lower teeth stick out too far over your upper teeth. These conditions can affect your bite, chewing, speech, and appearance. They can also cause jaw pain, headaches, tooth wear, and TMJ disorders. Braces can help correct these issues by aligning your teeth and jaws properly.

  • Enhance digestive health: When your teeth are misaligned, you may not be able to chew your food well. This can affect your digestion and cause problems like acid reflux, indigestion, bloating, and malnutrition. Braces can help improve your chewing function and allow you to enjoy your food better.

  • Improve speech: If you have gaps, crowding, or misalignment in your teeth, you may have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words. This can affect your communication and confidence. Braces can help adjust your teeth and tongue position and improve your speech clarity.

  • Improve self-confidence: Having a beautiful smile can boost your self-esteem and make you feel more attractive and confident. Braces can help you achieve the smile of your dreams and enhance your social and professional life.

Types of Braces

There are several types of braces available today. Your dentist or orthodontist can help you choose the option that’s best for you based on your needs, preferences, and budget. Some of the common types of braces are:

  • Metal/traditional braces: These are the most widely used type of braces. They consist of metal brackets that are attached to each tooth with a special glue, and a thin wire that connects them. Small rubber bands or metal ties hold the wire in place. Metal braces are visible when you smile, but you can choose different colors for the bands to make them more fun or discreet.

  • Ceramic braces: These are similar to metal braces, but the brackets are made of tooth-colored ceramic material that blends in with your teeth. The wire can also be tooth-colored or clear. Ceramic braces are less noticeable than metal braces, but they are also more fragile and expensive.

  • Lingual braces: These are also similar to metal braces, but they are placed on the back surfaces of your teeth instead of the front. This makes them invisible from the outside, but they can also be more uncomfortable, difficult to clean, and costly than other types of braces.

  • Clear aligners: These are braces alternatives that use a series of custom-made plastic trays that fit over your teeth. You wear each set of trays for about two weeks, then switch to the next set until your teeth are straightened. Clear aligners are removable, comfortable, and virtually invisible, but they may not be suitable for complex cases or people who don’t wear them consistently. At Pine Cove Dental, we offer several types of clear aligner solutions ranging from closely monitored cases to more innovative technology by Candid allowing for much fewer visits for busy professionals or military individuals.

How Long Will I Have to Wear Braces?

The length of time you will have to wear braces depends on several factors, such as:

  • The severity of your condition

  • The type of braces you choose

  • How well you follow your dentist’s or orthodontist’s instructions

  • How fast your teeth move

On average, most people wear braces for about 18 to 24 months. However, some people may need them for shorter or longer periods depending on their individual situation.

After you finish wearing braces, you will need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Your dentist or orthodontist will tell you how long and how often you need to wear your retainer.

How Much Do Braces Cost?

The cost of braces varies depending on the type of braces you choose, the complexity of your case, the location of your dentist or orthodontist, and your insurance coverage. According to WebMD, the average cost of braces in the United States ranges from $3,000 to $10,000.

Some dental insurance plans may cover part or all of the cost of braces, especially for children under 18!


Braces are a great way to improve your smile and your oral health. They can help you prevent dental problems, fix bite issues, enhance digestion, improve speech, and boost your confidence. There are many types of braces to choose from, and the cost and duration of treatment vary depending on your situation.

If you’re interested in getting braces, you should consult with your dentist or orthodontist to find out if you’re a good candidate and what options are best for you. They can also answer any questions you have and help you prepare for the process.

Remember, braces are not a quick fix. They require patience, commitment, and care. But the results are worth it. You’ll be amazed at how much your smile can change your life!

At Pine Cove Dental, we work with several local orthodontists to get you the results you want. We also offer clear aligners as an alternative to traditional braces for adults and young adults! We use advanced technology and techniques to create a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs and goals. For a limited time, we’re offering complimentary consultations for clear aligners, so you can find out if they’re right for you without any obligation! (Limited to first 25 patients, expires August 15th)

To schedule your free consultation, call us today at (817) 453-8520 or request an appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!


: Braces: Types & How They Work - Cleveland Clinic

: Dental Braces and Retainers: Types, Care, What to Expect - WebMD

: Does Dental Insurance Cover Braces? | Humana

: The Benefits of Dental Braces | St. Lawrence Dentistry

Elyse Brumfield